* Indicates closed meeting
Day 1 – Saturday, September 27, 2025; Closed meetings only
0900 - 1400 | Executive Board Meeting* |
1230 - 1330 | Lunch (Board) |
1400 - 1500 | LCH-IV Study Management Group* |
1445 - 1515 | Coffee Break (Board + Committee members) |
1500 - 1630 | HLH Steering Committee Meeting* |
1500 - 1630 | LCH Steering Committee Meeting* |
1500 - 1630 | Rare Histiocytic Disorders Steering Committee Meeting* |
Day 2 - Sunday, September 28, 2025
0800 - 1700 Meeting Registration and Check-In
0830 - 1000 LCH Disease Discussion Session
1000 - 1030 Coffee Break
1030 - 1200 HLH Disease and MAS Discussion Session
1200 - 1300 Lunch
Young Investigator's/New Members Lunch w/ Executive Board
1300 - 1430 Non-LCH Discussion Session
1430 - 1530 LCH Education Session
1530 - 1600 Coffee Break
1600 - 1700 HLH Education Session
1700 - 1800 Histiocytic Neoplasms Education Session
1900 - 2100 Welcome Reception
Day 3 - Monday, September 29, 2025
0800 - 1700 Meeting Registration and Check-In
0800 - 0900 Education Committee Meeting*
Scientific Committee Meeting*
0845 - 0900 Opening Ceremonies and Welcome from Seattle Team
0900 - 1000 Guest Speaker Presentation: "Clonal hematopoiesis and tissue macrophage function" - Sidd Jaiswal
1000 - 1100 Poster Presentation Session/Coffee Break
1100 - 1300 HLH Symposium
"From test tube to patients: understanding how cytotoxic lymphocytes maintain immune homeostasis" - Ilia Voskoboinik
“CAR T cell neurotoxicity (ICANS) – what have we learned about cellular mechanisms?” - Juliane Gust
"EBV-HLH and CAEBV" - Zhao Wang
1300 - 1400 Lunch
Meet the Expert Session - HLH
1400 - 1530 Scientific Session I: Oral Presentations
1530 - 1600 Coffee Break
1600 - 1730 Scientific Session II: Presidential Symposium
Day 4 - Tuesday, September 30, 2025
0800 - 1300 Meeting Registration and Check-In
0915 - 1000 Speaker: Jon Pritchard Lecture on the Nikolas Symposium - Astrid van Halteren
1000 - 1030 Coffee Break
1030 - 1230 Histiocytic Neoplasms Symposium
“Drug Development for Pediatric and Rare Diseases: Lessons and Perspectives from the Biopharmaceutical Industry” - Samuel Blackman
"Indeterminate cell histiocytosis: Another example of association with hematologic neoplasm" - Jean-Francois Emile
"Hematopoietic origin of histiocytic neoplasms" - Astrid van Halteren
1230 - 1330 Lunch
Meet the Expert Session - LCH
Meet the Expert Session - Non-LCH
1330 - 1500 Scientific Session III: Oral Presentations
1500 - 1530 Presentation of Late Breaking Abstracts
1530 - 1600 Coffee Break
1600 - 1700 General Assembly Business Meeting*
1700 - 1730 Executive Board Meeting*
Education Committee Meeting*
Scientific Committee Meeting*
1900 - 2400 Histiocyte Society Annual Banquet
Closing Ceremonies: Awarding of Scientific Prizes