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* Indicates closed meeting 

Day 1 – Saturday, September 27, 2025; Closed meetings only

0900 - 1400 Executive Board Meeting*
1230 - 1330  Lunch (Board)
1400 - 1500 LCH-IV Study Management Group*
1445 - 1515      Coffee Break (Board + Committee members)
1500 - 1630 HLH Steering Committee Meeting*
1500 - 1630 LCH Steering Committee Meeting*
1500 - 1630 Rare Histiocytic Disorders Steering Committee Meeting*

Day 2 - Sunday, September 28, 2025     

0800 - 1700 Meeting Registration and Check-In
0830 - 1000 LCH Disease Discussion Session
1000 - 1030 Coffee Break
1030 - 1200 HLH Disease and MAS Discussion Session
1200 - 1300  Lunch
Young Investigator's/New Members Lunch w/ Executive Board
1300 - 1430 Non-LCH Discussion Session
1430 - 1530  LCH Education Session
1530 - 1600 Coffee Break
1600 - 1700 HLH Education Session
1700 - 1800 Histiocytic Neoplasms Education Session
1900 - 2100  Welcome Reception

Day 3 - Monday, September 29, 2025

0800 - 1700  Meeting Registration and Check-In
0800 - 0900 Education Committee Meeting*
Scientific Committee Meeting*
0845 - 0900 Opening Ceremonies and Welcome from Seattle Team
0900 - 1000 Guest Speaker Presentation: "Clonal hematopoiesis and tissue macrophage function" - Sidd Jaiswal
1000 - 1100 Poster Presentation Session/Coffee Break
1100 - 1300 HLH Symposium
"From test tube to patients: understanding how cytotoxic lymphocytes maintain immune homeostasis" - Ilia Voskoboinik
“CAR T cell neurotoxicity (ICANS) – what have we learned about cellular mechanisms?” - Juliane Gust
"EBV-HLH and CAEBV" - Zhao Wang

1300 - 1400 Lunch
Meet the Expert Session - HLH
1400 - 1530 Scientific Session I: Oral Presentations
1530 - 1600 Coffee Break
1600 - 1730 Scientific Session II: Presidential Symposium

Day 4 - Tuesday, September 30, 2025

0800 - 1300  Meeting Registration and Check-In
0915 - 1000 Speaker: Jon Pritchard Lecture on the Nikolas Symposium - Astrid van Halteren
1000 - 1030 Coffee Break
1030 - 1230 Histiocytic Neoplasms Symposium
“Drug Development for Pediatric and Rare Diseases: Lessons and Perspectives from the Biopharmaceutical Industry” - Samuel Blackman
"Indeterminate cell histiocytosis: Another example of association with hematologic neoplasm" - Jean-Francois Emile
"Hematopoietic origin of histiocytic neoplasms" - Astrid van Halteren
1230 - 1330 Lunch
Meet the Expert Session - LCH
Meet the Expert Session - Non-LCH
1330 - 1500 Scientific Session III: Oral Presentations
1500 - 1530 Presentation of Late Breaking Abstracts 
1530 - 1600 Coffee Break
1600 - 1700 General Assembly Business Meeting*
1700 - 1730 Executive Board Meeting*
Education Committee Meeting*
Scientific Committee Meeting*

1900 - 2400 Histiocyte Society Annual Banquet
Closing Ceremonies: Awarding of Scientific Prizes


Download our list of important meeting dates and deadlines here: 

About the Society

The Histiocyte Society is a nonprofit organization of more than 200 physicians and scientists from around the world committed to improving the lives of patients with histiocytic disorders by conducting clinical and laboratory research into the causes and treatment of this disease.

Copyright © 2023 Histiocyte Society


[email protected]
Phone: +1 856 589 6606 
Fax: +1 856 589 6614
332 N Broadway
Pitman, NJ 08071 USA

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