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The LCH Steering Committee is responsible for charting strategic direction of the HS in their specified areas, including conduct of clinical trials and engagement with the broader group of investigators interested in LCH.


Matthew Collin - Co-Chair
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Term of Office: 2020 - 2024

Olga Slater - Co-Chair
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children - London, UK
Term of Office: 2022 - 2026

Karin Beutel
Kinderklinik Munchen-Schwabing – Munich, Germany
Term of Office: 2021 - 2025

Patrick Campbell
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - Memphis, TN, USA
Term of Office: 2022 - 2026

Mark Fluchel 
Seattle Children's Hospital - Seattle, WA USA
Term of Office: 2022 - 2026

Ashish Kumar
Cincinnati Children's Research Hospital - Cincinnatti, OH USA
Term of Office: 2022 - 2026

Diego Rosso
Hospital de NiƱos Dr P Elizalde – Buenos Aires, Argentina
Term of Office: 2022 - 2026

Rui Zhang
Beijing Children's Hospital - Beijing, China
Term of Office: 2022 - 2026


Current Projects

The LCH Steering Committee is focused how the Histiocyte Society can facilitate and support collaboration between regional efforts focused on LCH. We appreciate the need for clinical trials to obtain rigorous data and the challenges of doing this with the lack of funds to support coordinate clinical trial infrastructure and regulatory challenges at an international level. We believe that the HS LCH committee can serve an important harmonizing role amongst different regional groups. We are currently focused on two key activities:

  1. Harmonization of Response Criteria for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
  2. Development of a common data dictionary to facilitate sharing of data between regional clinical trials. 

Please reach out if you are interested in participating in either of these activities: [email protected]

Key questionsin our field: 

  • How do we foster collaboration between the different regional cooperative groups?  
  • How does the microenvironment influence the pathogenesis of LCH and therapy responses?  
  • What is the optimal front-line therapy? 
  • What is the optimal salvage therapy? 
  • What is the exit strategy for targeted therapies? 
  • What is the mechanistic basis of neurodegeneration? Why does it only occur in some patients? Can we identify biomarkers of neurodegeneration risk? 
  • What is the best approach diagnosis and treatment neurodegeneration 
  • What is the optimal management of adult patients with LCH? 
  • What are the best strategies to evaluate response to therapy? 
  • What are the best strategies to identify, prevent, and treat long term toxicities of therapy? 
  • How do we manage patients with LCH in resource limited settings? 

Office: +1 (856) 589-6606
Fax: +1 (856) 589-6614
Email: [email protected]

Histiocyte Society
332 N Broadway
Pitman, NJ 08071 USA

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